$10 billion valuation for Craft House clients: WeWork’s Valuation Soars to $10 Billio

Our clients, WeWork are taking the world by storm opening one cowork space after another across the US and Europe. The company is now valued at $10 billion, and is one of the fastest growing startups to come out of the tech boom. In 2015 we helped their team with concept refinement, development and operational strategies for some new exciting products they'll be releasing soon! Stay posted!

"Wall Street Journal: WeWork’s Valuation Soars to $10 Billion, by ELIOT BROWN, updated June 24, 2015 7:49 p.m. ET

Six months after investors placed a $5 billion valuation on WeWork Companies Inc., the New York-based provider of shared office space to small companies and technology startups has reached the $10 billion mark.

WeWork on Wednesday said Fidelity Management & Research Co. and existing investors had pumped $400 million of capital into the company. Chief Executive Adam Neumannsaid the company’s valuation is now roughly $10 billion.

The transaction puts on display investors’ ravenous appetite for young, fast-growing companies...."